Sunday, April 7, 2013

Standards Story

The standards that are most important in my life are the following:  Integrity, Honesty, Reliability, and Consistency to name a few.  These critical-thinking standards where initially developed in my formative years.  I was raised in a home where certain standards where encouraged and expected.  I expected to always “tell the truth”.  I was encouraged to be dependable.  And I was told that consistency is a key component to a successful and productive life.  I was also taught the same standards formal methods of critical thinking standards in my educational development.  Many of the basic courses in writing and reading comprehension focused on the critical thinking standards.  Clarity and accuracy are two areas that were emphasis the most.  A clear thought given in the proper context allows the receiver of the information to understand the material.   An accurate thought suggest to the receiver that you have done the appropriate research on the information that you are conveying. 

Over the years I have had the opportunity to complete an undergraduate degree, complete a PMP certification and take many adult learning courses. The various courses have enhanced my critical thinking skills.  Also, my profession requires effective critical thinking skills when analyzing a complex problem and preparing recommendations for Senior Management.   Utilizing critical thinking standards consistently also brings a certain amount of credibility to your thinking. 

The literature on effect critical thinking contains a wealth of information that can assist the thinker on the methods of utilizing standards to create a clear, accurate and precise thought.  It is my hope that this initial foundational course in leadership will also provided some additional skills in effective critical thinking.  Many of the concepts in week 1 and 2 of the course have helped define and understand critical thinking concepts that I utilize in my daily life.

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